The Herbert F. Scobie Leadership School is the centerpiece of Triangle's educational programs. The Foundation provides funding to support the program by underwriting the cost of the weekend event.
The Scobie Leadership School attention is on Triangle’s younger members. The programming is geared towards those just entering the chapter and college and providing them a introductory course on leadership. The plan is these young men will begin to build upon what the learned at Scobie and refine their skills through their chapter and campus experiences.

Each year the North-American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) sponsors a five-day leadership institute for fraternity and sorority members. Since its inception in 1990, UIFI has challenged nearly 3,000 fraternity and sorority students representing almost 250 different universities and colleges, and 115 different Greek affiliations to make a difference in the Greek communities. Triangle Education Foundation offers five scholarships a year to undergraduate members who are accepted to the program and need assistance with paying tuition.

Attacking leadership at the top, the Steven L. Miller Presidents’ Academy provides a non-threatening workshop atmosphere at the beginning of the undergraduate president’s term of office. The intense weekend retreat offers all the new chapter presidents an opportunity to exchange ideas, build an action plan for their chapter, and learn some of the basics when it comes to leading a diverse group of people.

The Melissa & John Gargani pitt82 Academic U program was created in Summer 2015 in an effort to better equip chapter and colony academic chairs, academic committees, and standard chairs on how to implement a fully encompassing academic program. Thanks to the generous grant of Melissa & John Gargani pitt82, members are able to receive Academic U at no charge.
Academic U helps active members create an academic program that supports all types of learners, connects the chapter with campus resources, and implements standards and incentives.

The Wakerly Service-Learning Workshop focuses on providing attendees with the tools and resources to offer effective and meaningful service and philanthropy events for their organization and communities, specifically through to vehicles: FIRST® and the Leadership Advantage Program.

The On-Site Member Development Program has made a tremendous impact on the individuals, chapters and national organization of Triangle Fraternity. Through this proactive educational program, Triangle’s professionally trained staff is taking the Fraternity to the next level – organizational excellence built on individual member excellence.
Additional Educational Opportunities
At our leadership events and through on-site training, professionally trained staff use various methods to tailor our programs to meet the needs of our students. For example, through the Triangle development experience, a member might:
Overcome his fear of public speaking at Scobie Leadership School by participating in large group discussions where he will develop confidence in standing up in front of a group of people or learn to argue a point in a small group setting with fewer eyes focused on him
Get scientifically sound methods for improving his GPA through the Gargani Academic U Program
Help his chapter plan community service projects and learn how to market their events on campus through the Garatoni Building Better Men Program
Receive recognition for achieving chapter academic achievement through the Kahlert Academic Excellence Awards
Be mentored through the New Member Development Program on how to acclimate to campus life, be encouraged to participate in campus activities, or learn how to have a voice at the Interfraternity and/or Greek Council meetings.
The Foundation is confident this comprehensive support of our chapters and members will lead to well-rounded leaders and community-minded citizens in the fields of engineering, architecture, and science. Additional Foundation specific programs are outlined below: