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With the permanent enactment of the Charitable IRA Rollover provision in December 2015, all Brothers aged 70 1/2 or older are able to make direct donations to the Triangle Education Foundation from their qualified IRA retirement plans.

Making a donation from your IRA to the TEF is easy and can help you meet your minimum yearly distribution requirements. This gift is easy to make and can be done by completing the following steps:


  1. Call your IRA plan administrator and tell them you'd like to make a gift from your IRA yearly distribution to the Triangle Education Foundation

  2. Provide them with the following information:
    Legal Name: Triangle Education Foundation
    Address: 120 S. Center St., Plainfield, IN 46168
    Phone: 317-837-9641
    EIN/Tax ID number: 23-7063427


  3. Phone the Triangle Education Foundation to let us know you've made the gift so we can be on the lookout for it and properly thank you for this gift

  4. For questions on IRA giving or any other giving vehicles, please contact Scott Bova at or 317-705-9803

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